Commuter Services

Outreach program of I-494 Corridor Commission

Board Members

Name Title City/Agency Phone
Rebecca Schack, Chair City Councilmember Minnetonka 612.590.3735
Julie Wischnack Community Dev. Director Minnetonka 952.939.8200
Lona Dallessandro City Councilmember Bloomington 612.231.6824
Kim Berggren Community Development Director Bloomington  
Lisa Toomey City Councilmember Eden Prairie 952.388.8827
David Lindahl Economic Dev. Manager Eden Prairie 952.949.8484
James Pierce City Councilmember Edina 952.833.9548
Andrew Scipioni Transportation Planner Edina 952.826.0440
Mary Supple Mayor of Richfield Richfield 612.281.7482
Matt Hardegger Transportation Engineer Richfield 612.861.9792

Review the I-494 Corridor Commission's 2025 Legislative Priorities

I-494 is Important to the Region

  • 19% of metro area population lives along corridor.
  • 21% of metro area jobs are located on corridor.
  • Largest number of metro area hospitality and hotel sites
  • Major destinations such as MSP Airport and the Mall of America are accessed by corridor.
  • I-494 provides access to the rest of the metro area through its connections to other major highways. For example, the I-494/35W interchange is the most heavily traveled in the entire region - handling more than 200,000 vehicles daily.

I-494 History

  • 1950's and 1960's - contruction of various segments.
  • Mid-1980s - six-lane portion of freeway reaches capacity.
  • 1986 - Metropolitan Council studies corridor growth.
  • 1992 - Draft of Environmental Impact Statement for I-494 reconstruction distributed
  • 1995 - Final Environmental Impact statement released.
  • By 1998, portions of I-494 are 50% over capacity.
  • 2004 - Reconstruction of I-494 between Hwy 5 in Eden Prairie and I-394 in Minnetonka commences.

I-494 Reconstruction

  • 2004 - Reconstruction of I-494 between Hwy 5 in Eden Prairie and I-394 in Minnetonka (Stage 2) commences.
  • September 2006 - MnDOT celebrates completion of the Stage 2 Reconstruction.